
Tips that will help you Build Self-Confidence
Sep 07, 2020

Tips that will help you Build Self-Confidence

What is Self-Confidence – and Why Is It Important?
Self-confidence is trusting your judgment and abilities, value yourself and feel worthy, regardless of any imperfections or of what others may believe about you. Self-confident people are generally more positive because they value themselves and trust their judgment. But they also acknowledge their failures and mistakes and learn from them. Everyone admires a self-confident person. We may even envy them a little! Self-confident people seem at ease with themselves and their work. They invite trust and inspire confidence in others. It's not always easy to be confident in yourself, particularly if you're naturally self-critical, or if other people put you down. But there are things that you can do to increase and maintain your self-confidence.
Body Language
Adopt an open posture. Sit or stand upright and place your hands by your sides. Avoid standing with your hands on your hips, as this can communicate a desire to dominate. And be sure not to sag. Keep your head upright and level. Don't lean too far forward or backwards, as this can make you look aggressive. And if you're presenting, use open hand gestures. Spread your hands apart, with your palms facing slightly toward your audience. This indicates a willingness to communicate and to share ideas. Keep your upper arms close to your body.
Face-to-Face Communication
People with low self-confidence often find it difficult to make a good first impression, whether they're meeting a client, addressing a meeting, or giving a presentation. You may be shy or unsure of yourself, but you can take immediate steps to make yourself appear more confident. Engaging with people is important, so maintain eye contact while you talk. This shows that you're interested in what they're saying and that you're taking an active part in the conversation. Don't fidget or look away while the conversation continues, as this can make you appear distracted or anxious.If shaking hands is the usual greeting in your workplace, be firm. Not too firm, though, and avoid being too upfront.
Building Confident Habits
To build a strong sense of self-esteem, and the confidence that develops from it, aim to develop good habits. Working on your branding can also have a positive impact on your self-confidence. If you can project a positive image of your authentic self, you'll likely start to receive the positivethe feedback that's so  important to your self-confidence.
Reviewing Past Achievements
Your self-confidence can increase when you're able to say, "I can do this, and here's theevidence." As part of your Personal SWOT Analysis, you'll have identified things that you're good at, based on your past achievements. List the 10 things you're most proud of in an "achievement log." Perhaps you came top in an important test or exam played a key role in an important team or project or did something thatmade a positive difference in someone else life.
Setting Confidence-Boosting Goals
Setting and achieving goals is an important part of developing self-confidence. Goal setting is the the process you use to set yourself targets and to measure how successfully you hit them. Align your goal setting with your Personal SWOT Analysis. Set goals that make the most of your strengths, that minimize your weaknesses, that take advantage of your opportunities, and that rationalize the threats you face. When you've identified the major goals you want to achieve, identify the first step you need to take for each one. It also allows you to track your progress and reflect on how far you've come

Try to identify the cause of the problem, If you have difficulty maintaining confidence because of things you feel you can't do, it makes sense to improve your skills. Carry out a personal SWOT analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Then draw up an action plan to work on the areas where you're not so strong. Other people's attitudes or behaviour may contribute to your lack of confidence. If you're subjected to microaggressions in the workplace, or if you feel that people are making unfair assumptions about you, you need to call this behaviour out.
How Do You Gain Self-Confidence, and Keep It?
Short-term action can fix immediate or acute issues with your self-confidence, but longer-term confidence-building needs more fundamental action. This can involve introducing changes to your lifestyle and making robust plans for the future.

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