
Importance of Communication in an Organisation
Aug 31, 2020

Importance of Communication in an Organisation

Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organization. Employers who invest time and energy into delivering a clear form of communication will quickly build trust among employees, leading to increases in productivity, output and morale in general. Meanwhile, employees who communicate effectively with colleagues, supervisor and customers are always valuable assets to an organization and it is a skill which can often differentiate people apart when applying for jobs.

Poor communication in the workplace will unavoidably lead to unmotivated staff that may begin to question their confidence in their abilities and necessity in the organization.

Below are the advantage of having good communication in an organization;

Team building, Building effective teams is all about how those team members communicate and collaborate.

Gives everyone a voice, employee satisfaction can rely a lot on them having a voice and being listened to, regards to an idea they have or about a complaint they need to make. Well established lines of communication should afford everyone, no matter their level, the ability to freely communicate with their peers, colleagues and superiors.

Innovation, where employees are enabled to openly communicate ideas without fear of disrespect or retribution they are far more likely to bring their idea to the table. Innovation relies heavily on this and an organization which encourages communication is far more likely to be an innovative one.

Growth, By having strong lines of communication internally you are ensuring that the message you are delivering externally is consistent. Growth of any organization relies on strong communication, whether internal or external that is being on the same understanding.

Strong management, When managers are strong communicators, they are able to manage their teams better. The delegation of tasks, conflict management, motivation and relationship building are all much easier when you are a strong communicator. Strong communication is not just the ability to speak to people but to empower them to speak to each other, facilitating strong communication channels is key.

Tips on how to improve your organization communication

Below are some of the key areas where organizations can improve and enhance communication between their teams.

  • Define goals and expectations, Managers need to deliver clear, achievable goals to both teams and individuals, outlining exactly what is required on any given project, and ensuring that all staff are aware of the objectives of the project, the department and the organization as a whole.

  • Clear message delivery, Ensure your message is clear and accessible to your intended audience. To do this it is essential that you speak plainly and politely, getting your message across clearly without causing confusion or offence.

  • The medium of communication, Once you’ve created your message you need to ensure it’s delivered in the best possible format. While face-to-face communication is the best way to build trust with employees, it is not always an option. Take time to decide whether information delivered in a printed copy would work better than an email or if a general memo will do.

  • Keep everyone involved, Ensure that lines of communication are kept open at all times. Actively seek and encourage progress reports and project updates. This is particularly important when dealing with remote staff.

  • Listen and show empathy, Communication is a two-way process and no company or individual will survive long if he or she doesn’t listen and encourage dialogue with the other party. Listening shows respect and allows you to learn about any outstanding issues you may need to address as an employer

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