
How to defeat fear
Nov 23, 2020

How to defeat fear

FEAR is a distressing emotion stimulated by threatening danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Sometimes we fail to do the right things by fearing the outcomes. Below are some tips that might help you to conquer your fears

  • Understand, embrace and name it. Fear exists to keep us safe. It is not inherently bad or good but a tool we can use to make better decisions. Fear isn’t designed to keep us inactive, but to help us act in ways that generate the results we need and want. Embrace fear as instruction and let it inform your actions, but not guide them. Also, sometimes merely stating what your fear is, it gives you the strength to deal with it. Say your fear out loud, write it down, or focus your mind on it.

  • Educate yourself and think long term. We are afraid of nothing so much as the unknown. If your fear is based on a lack of information, then get the information or knowledge you need to examine the situation based on facts rather than thought. Thinking about the long term won’t fix your short term problem, but it can help you think about it more accurately and come up with the right solution.

  • Prepare and practice  If your fear is related to your performance in a certain activity then prepare, practice, and role-play.

  • Utilize peer pressure. Have you ever done something scary, only because you were with friends who were pushing you on? Peer pressure can be positive or negative depending on how it’s handled. Surround yourself with people who will push you to overcome the fears that are holding you back from what you want.

  • Visualize success. Champions may imagine the successful completion of physical task thousands of times before achieving it. This mental mapping ensures that when the body moves, it’s more likely to follow its pre-established path. The same practice will prepare you to succeed at whatever you’re trying to achieve.

  • Gain a sense of balance. We sometimes get taken in the success or failure of a particular journey that we lose a sense of where it fits in with everything else we value. Ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen? Sometimes the reality is bad, but often you might find that the fear itself is worse than whatever it is you’re afraid of happening.

  • Get help. Whatever you’re afraid of, is it something you have to do alone? Can you find a mentor to help you through it? Athletes have coaches. Students have teachers. Sometimes friends, even if they have no expertise in the area you’re struggling with, can provide the needed support to face your fear.

  • Have a positive attitude, People who have positive attitudes are successful because they keep trying after others give up.

  • Focus on others as your motivation, There are things we would never do for ourselves that we would quickly and fearlessly do for others

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
--Eleanor Roosevelt

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