
Emotional Intelligence at work
Oct 17, 2022

Emotional Intelligence at work

Emotional intelligence is about understanding our emotions and the emotions of those around us. It is about knowing ourself and our feelings so well that we can manage them effectively at any moment in any given situation.

Emotional intelligence is often defined by the way we can manage our emotions to better ourself in the workplace. It can include working well under stress and handling the relationships you create with co-workers, employers, and employees in a personal, yet professional manner. 

How can we manage our emotions at work?

  • Self-Awareness is the ability to be conscious and understanding of our emotions and recognize their impact while using instinctive feelings to guide our decisions. Recognizing our own emotions and their effects, how we react to signs in the environment and how our emotions affect our performance. Also Believing we can accomplish a task and acknowledging that we are the best for the job. Assuredly conveying our ideas and opinions and having a positive impact on others.
  • Self-Management: The ability to control impulsive feelings and behaviours; manage our emotions in healthy ways (self-control); take initiative and adapt to changing circumstances and environments. Being able to keep our impulsive feelings and emotions under control and limiting negative actions when provoked or faced with opposition, or working under pressure. 
  • Social Awareness: The ability to understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people; pick up on emotional signs; feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a group or organization. Understanding other people, hearing and accurately understanding unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings, and concerns of others. Appreciating what people are saying and why they are saying it.
  • Relationship Management: The ability to inspire, influence, and connect to others, work well in teams and manage conflict. Working cooperatively with others, being part of a team, and working together as opposed to working separately or competitively. Enjoying shared responsibility and rewards for accomplishments and actively participating and enjoying building the capability of the team.

Being able to manage our emotions at work will enable us to achieve greater career success and satisfaction; stronger personal relationships with our co-workers; increased confidence in our work and better health.

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