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Oct 07, 2022

Inclusive Workplace Culture

Inclusive workplace culture is a work environment that welcomes and values employees of diverse backgrounds.  Why Inclusive workplace culture? Improved employee retention & engage
Oct 07, 2022

Healthy Workplace Conflict

Conflict doesn't always have to be negative. Healthy debates and respectful disagreements can lead to business growth. What is workplace conflict? Workplace conflict refers to any disagreeme
Jan 18, 2021

Workplace Ethics

Workplace ethics are the set of values, moral principles, and regulations that need to be followed by all staff of the workplace. An organization may decide to put these ethics into writing or not, ho
Dec 07, 2020

Time Management at Work

What is Time Management? Allocation of time to the right activity. Effective time management allows individuals to assign a specific time to activities as per their value.  Time Management
Hot News
13 Mar, 2020
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Am I the only one who gets a funny feeling in my stomach before interviews. It's like butterflies but not like the good kind when I see my celebrity crush. Honestly please let me know if I'm the only one. Anyhow, We all have this pressure before attending the interview. There's also that ''WHAT IF'' part, where we ask ourselves will I get hired, did I spray enough deodorant? Its an unexplainable situation but most people feel some type of way before, during and after the interview.

It's so important that you're relaxed and COMFORTABLE during the interview session, this not only shows how reserved you are but also helps the building of your confidence during the interview. If the room is too cold, request for the temperature to be raised (LOL...

16 Mar, 2020
Tips on how to answer 6 difficult interview questions.
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When you go on a job interview expect to be asked behavioral, case, situational, or competency-based questions. You'll also be asked about your employment history, your ability to work on a team, your leadership skills, your motivation, as well as other interview questions related to your skills and abilities.

Your responses need to be targeted for the job you are interviewing for and should show the employer why you're a qualified candidate,  fit for the job and the company. Take the time to prepare in advance by reviewing the different  interview questions you'll be asked

Question 1.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

The interviewer wants to understand more about your

19 Mar, 2020
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Once you graduate, how do you transition from being a student to taking up professional responsibilities? Below are tips for a smooth transition:

1. Accept and embrace change; your life is going to change in various way example from late morning waking up too early mornings, punctuality, also the way you used to dress like a student will be different because in working life you need to dress according to the company culture which is usually official attire. Apart from all the changes you should always be confident and energized at working place.

2. Keep an open mind; one should be willing and prepared to learn because not everything that you need to know is taught in school. You should be positive and enthusiastic to show that you can do things and not that you can&#...